Connect to DB2 Database with SSL using DBeaver, IBM Data Studio

    In blog DB2 SSL, we understood how to configure SSL for DB2 instance and DB2 clients. In this blog we will go through steps to configure DBeaver and IBM Data Studio to connect to DB2 instance with SSL.

Steps listed below can be followed for any Java based tool which will connect with DB2 database with SSL.

Configure DB2 Pacemaker cluster for HADR

In blog DB2 Pacemaker we covered why to use DB2 Pacemaker, Pacemaker process and limitations of DB2 Pacemaker in DB2 version and earlier. In this blog we will go through prerequisite of DB2 Pacemaker, DB2 Pacemaker installation, Configure Pacemaker cluster for HADR, Configure Quorum Device.

DB2 Pacemaker

Pacemaker is an open source cluster resource manager software since 2004. IBM integrated Pacemaker with DB2 starting DB2 version In version Pacemaker was introduced as Technical Preview and then released for production use in If you want to use open source Pacemaker cluster with DB2 you can use it but for Pacemaker cluster issues, you will not get support from IBM. Pacemaker can be used to automate failover in HADR env and setup mutual failover env.

Why to use DB2 Pacemaker:

Setup VM using Oracle Virtual Box 7

In blog Setup VM for DB2, we covered how to install and create VM using Oracle Virtual Box 6. Oracle has released Oracle Virtual Box 7 and process is bit different from Virtual Box 6. 

In this blog we will cover installation of Oracle Virtual Box 7 and creating a VM.

Step1: Download Oracle Virtual Box

You can download Oracle Virtual Box from  Download Oracle Virtual Box

Automatically Restart DB2 using Fault Monitor

We can automate auto restart of DB2 instance post DB2 instance failure or server restart in standalone setup using DB2 Fault monitor. In this blog we will go through steps to Enable Fault Monitor.

Fault Monitor will help to restart DB2 instance if DB2 instance goes down due to any reason except for instance been stopped due to db2stop command.

Fault monitor must be enabled only on standalone system and not on system where you have cluster services enables like TSA, HACMP, Pacemaker etc.

Note: Post DB2 fixpack upgrade, Instance upgrade or after applying Special build, you need to reconfigure DB2 Fault monitor, otherwise fault monitor will not work.

Steps to Enable Fault Monitor

1. Enable auto start of Instance

Run below command to enable auto start of db2 instance after server restart.

db2iauto -on <instanceid>