IBM has released Mod Pack 12.1.1 based on DB2 latest version 12.1 which was released in October 2024. Check blog to know more about DB2 12.1. In this blog we will go through new enhancement in DB2 V12.1.1
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Highlights of DB2 12.1.1
DB2 PureScale Enhancement
With DB2 12.1.1, PureScale cluster is available as self managed service on Microsoft Azure marketplace. PureScale cluster can be deployed using BYOL (Bring Your Own License) model. PureScale cluster is also supported on SUSE Linux Enterprise server 15 SP6. NVMe (Non-Volatile memory express) reservation is supported for fast I/O fencing in AWS PureScale cluster. PureScale cluster now supports online index reorg by supporting both ALLOW READ ACCESS and ALLOW WRITE ACCESS clause of index reorg.
AI Query Optimizer Enhancement
DB2 AI Query Optimizer is improve to train model faster, more compact and accurate. Explain feature is improve to support and capture details of modal eligibility and usage to bring transparency in query optimization.
Enhanced Support for Datalake tables on PPCLE
DB2 Warehouse running on Linux on Power Systems now supports open table and open data formats including Iceberg, Parquet, AVRO, ORC, etc. on Object Storage.
Security Enhancement
Now user can be granted TBSPACEADM authority to manage Automatic Storage tablespace within specific Storage group. User with TBSPACEADM authority can create, alter, quiesce, rename, drop, grant and revoke tablespace privilege on automatic storage tablespace within storage group on which user has TBSPACEADM authority.
Syntax : GRANT TBSPACEADM ON STORAGE GROUP stroagegroupname TO USER/ROLE/GROUP authorization_name
New Data Movement Tool IBM DB2 Bridge
With IBM DB2 bridge we can move data from DB2 10.1 or later to DB2 11.5.5 and later database. IBM DB2 bridge is currently available for RHEL8 on x86_64 and powerpc64le platform. IBM DB2 Bridge is licensed product. Check IBM DB2 Bridge.
Database Parameter Change
auto_cg_stats database parameter which controls automatic statistics collection for column group on base table is set to ON by default for new databases created in DB2 12.1.1
Logical Backup and Restore Change
Logical Backup take on filesystem will be owned by instance user instead of user executing logical backup. Logical Restore can only be performed by user who took logical backup on all backup media.
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